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Geospatial representations of Indian Residential Schools in Canada

The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) website includes a Memorial Map of important sites connected with the history of Indian Residential Schools in Canada, including the following:

  1. Locations of Indian Residential Schools in Canada.
  2. Home communities of children who never returned an Indian Residential School.
  3. Medical facilities where children were sent for treatment from an Indian Residential School.

The Memorial Map draws upon three geospatial files for its depictions:

  1. ResidentialSchools.geojson.
  2. HomeCommunities.geojson.
  3. HealthCenters.geojson.

Thanks to the NCTR's hard work in building these files and sharing them with us online, we're able to generate other representations that may enhance our underestanding of the Indian Residential School System in Canada.

We hope to be able to share the results of some of our thinking with you shortly.

As we're able to download these files,